Monday, August 11, 2008

Discoverd a Dilemma

Normally when it comes to things like this and writing in my journal I will keep it up for a few days then stop. I am proud that I am still going here.

Not a tremendous amount has happened in the last few days. We had a few more performances of Forum, had some great audiences for some of them. I auditioned for a dance company, still have not heard back. People have made me smile and pissed me off, as happens with everyone.

I have discovered a slight dilemma with this blog though. Although I will always be comfortable complaining about my family, because I will generally tell them what I think to their faces ;-). I am not okay talking about the other things that irritate me. Mainly because I don't know who will read this and I don't want anyone to be offended. Sometimes it sucks being nice!!!

So on that note I will say there were several things that annoyed me over the last week and several people that I would like to tell off but I can't. Just when it comes to certain people I am sick of the drama, the backstabbing, the pettiness and just want to be left alone. Then you have everyone asking if you are okay when you are really just tired and it all goes in a vicious circle until you die!...sigh

On a positive note, my dear sweet best friend Amanda called me before the show on Sunday and put me in a fabulous mood. I always like it when I get to talk to her, it always brightens my day. Thanks Mandi I love you to pieces, and miss you!!! (she mentioned that she has read my blog so there)

Not much new on the career front still trying to figure stuff out (I know I have been saying that for years). I really do need to just take the leap and see where I land.

That is all for this installment, I'll be back with more once something interesting happens in my life.


1 comment:

Ann said...

is this becoming like your journal now ; )