Thursday, August 7, 2008

And the boredom seeps in!

Okay you know it is a slow day at work when. You are playing around sending messages to people on facebook while the other woman in the office is asleep, and one of the guys is off working on his house. I feel bad for my dad he is the only one doing some acutal work ;-)

It felt good to get the last post off my chest. It is surprising how much you can figure out in your life by simply writing down your thoughts.

Not much else is going on right now. The show last night went well. Wasn't as full as our usual crowd but they were responsive. Definatly better than the show a couple of nights ago where the audience was like energy vampires. I had never felt that before where the energy is just being sucked out of you. But somehow they did it!

I do have some friends coming this week so that will be nice. So long as they stick around after the show to say hi! I was so ticked at my friends last week for just leaving! ARGH.

Well I could sit here and ramble on and on about nonsense, but I won't subject you to that right now. ;-)

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