Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Well acutally I didn't but I have never been so close!!!

To bring you up to speed, over the last few months I have been unbelieveably frustrated at work. I am bored out of my mind with the meanial day to day tasks in the office. My mom, who works with me, does not help this matter. If I don't do things by HER timetable then she gets all pissy and bent out of shape. What she doesn't understand is that by changing things around maybe working on a new project for a little bit before I do the old stuff is what keeps me sane and not throwing my computer through the window.

She is also bitter because I was wanting to change the way we do something, and for anyone that knows her, they know how she digs in her heals about change. Even though this chnage is not going to affect her in any great way but will make my life much easier doesn't matter. Fortunatly dad came to my rescue and saw things my way. Although he was ticked off at me this morning for coming in late again, but it is really hard to be on time to a job you can not stand doing. I would love to have my own office where I don't have someone looking over my shoulder and treating me like a child. It is driving me nuts!!!

I have never need a vacation so much in my life.

I also suppose that doing a Professional show, where I am getting paid more than my cost of gas, is contributing to the problem as well. I guess I am now starting to realize that although I tried to do the whole business thing and have a normal job like everyone else, I really can't. Even as my mom says of having dancing and singing and acting as a hobby doesn't work anymore. I am capable of more than just a hobby level of performance. People are willing to pay me to do this stuff and I like being paid to do it. And beyond that I have, what many people have called, an excellent screenplay that is just sitting gathering dust!

My dad has always said that you need to set out your goals in life and figure out what steps are needed to achieve those goals. I finally feel like I know what I want out of life, now I just have to figure out how to get there.

Wish me Luck!!!

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