I am starting to feel a little left out that I am one of the few people that does not have a blog site. This is mostly for my family and friends scattered to the four corners of the globe since I don't get to see or talk to them very often.
Anyway I don't know why I decided on 'The Life and Times of an Obeney". I guess it is just because I love my last name. Seriously to any future husbands sorry but my last name isn't going to change ;-).
As you will come to discover over the coming days/weeks/months/years/millenium (if only I live that long), I am a very bizzare person. This blog will be filled with the various excursions that my brain takes on a daily basis so it should make for a good read.
I am an actor/singer/dancer, not necessarily in that order. That might explain some of my weirdness. I am excited that I am currently in doing my first PROFESSIONAL theater performance. I will say it is awesome getting paid to perform. I LOVE IT!!! Although the 5 weeks with performances 5 days a week can get a little stressful.
I my spare time (not that I have much) I usually just sit around doing nothing. I play with my dog. Sometimes I work on the 10 writting projects I have in the works. If I ever finish any of them I'll let you know.
I do have a full time job to pay the bills but you will probably only hear about it when I am complaining about something or someone, I do afterall work with my family ;-)
I guess that is all for now. Next time I will post some pictures from the show and might go into a a little more detail. But until then... (okay I want to put something cute that I will then say at the end of all my blogs but I can't think of it right now so give me some time!!)
10 years ago
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