Monday, August 11, 2008

Discoverd a Dilemma

Normally when it comes to things like this and writing in my journal I will keep it up for a few days then stop. I am proud that I am still going here.

Not a tremendous amount has happened in the last few days. We had a few more performances of Forum, had some great audiences for some of them. I auditioned for a dance company, still have not heard back. People have made me smile and pissed me off, as happens with everyone.

I have discovered a slight dilemma with this blog though. Although I will always be comfortable complaining about my family, because I will generally tell them what I think to their faces ;-). I am not okay talking about the other things that irritate me. Mainly because I don't know who will read this and I don't want anyone to be offended. Sometimes it sucks being nice!!!

So on that note I will say there were several things that annoyed me over the last week and several people that I would like to tell off but I can't. Just when it comes to certain people I am sick of the drama, the backstabbing, the pettiness and just want to be left alone. Then you have everyone asking if you are okay when you are really just tired and it all goes in a vicious circle until you die!...sigh

On a positive note, my dear sweet best friend Amanda called me before the show on Sunday and put me in a fabulous mood. I always like it when I get to talk to her, it always brightens my day. Thanks Mandi I love you to pieces, and miss you!!! (she mentioned that she has read my blog so there)

Not much new on the career front still trying to figure stuff out (I know I have been saying that for years). I really do need to just take the leap and see where I land.

That is all for this installment, I'll be back with more once something interesting happens in my life.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

And the boredom seeps in!

Okay you know it is a slow day at work when. You are playing around sending messages to people on facebook while the other woman in the office is asleep, and one of the guys is off working on his house. I feel bad for my dad he is the only one doing some acutal work ;-)

It felt good to get the last post off my chest. It is surprising how much you can figure out in your life by simply writing down your thoughts.

Not much else is going on right now. The show last night went well. Wasn't as full as our usual crowd but they were responsive. Definatly better than the show a couple of nights ago where the audience was like energy vampires. I had never felt that before where the energy is just being sucked out of you. But somehow they did it!

I do have some friends coming this week so that will be nice. So long as they stick around after the show to say hi! I was so ticked at my friends last week for just leaving! ARGH.

Well I could sit here and ramble on and on about nonsense, but I won't subject you to that right now. ;-)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Well acutally I didn't but I have never been so close!!!

To bring you up to speed, over the last few months I have been unbelieveably frustrated at work. I am bored out of my mind with the meanial day to day tasks in the office. My mom, who works with me, does not help this matter. If I don't do things by HER timetable then she gets all pissy and bent out of shape. What she doesn't understand is that by changing things around maybe working on a new project for a little bit before I do the old stuff is what keeps me sane and not throwing my computer through the window.

She is also bitter because I was wanting to change the way we do something, and for anyone that knows her, they know how she digs in her heals about change. Even though this chnage is not going to affect her in any great way but will make my life much easier doesn't matter. Fortunatly dad came to my rescue and saw things my way. Although he was ticked off at me this morning for coming in late again, but it is really hard to be on time to a job you can not stand doing. I would love to have my own office where I don't have someone looking over my shoulder and treating me like a child. It is driving me nuts!!!

I have never need a vacation so much in my life.

I also suppose that doing a Professional show, where I am getting paid more than my cost of gas, is contributing to the problem as well. I guess I am now starting to realize that although I tried to do the whole business thing and have a normal job like everyone else, I really can't. Even as my mom says of having dancing and singing and acting as a hobby doesn't work anymore. I am capable of more than just a hobby level of performance. People are willing to pay me to do this stuff and I like being paid to do it. And beyond that I have, what many people have called, an excellent screenplay that is just sitting gathering dust!

My dad has always said that you need to set out your goals in life and figure out what steps are needed to achieve those goals. I finally feel like I know what I want out of life, now I just have to figure out how to get there.

Wish me Luck!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Good Morning All!

Here I am again. I had to go back and edit the last post...bad grammer abounded!!!
I promised some pictures so here you go.

This is me, well my most current headshot.

This is the love of my life. Her name is Gwendalyn Elizabeth Obeney! She is a 6 year old Lhasa Apso that I got from Operation Kindness 3 years ago. She is a total princess!!!

Here is the other love of my life, my niece Ava!!! She is aboslutely adorable and is going to be a real heartbreaker when she grows up ;-)

This is me with my best friend Amanda. She moved to Germany this year with her husband and son. She is now expecting her second child. I am excited to go and visit her later this year and I am sure I will have lots of picutres for you when I get back.

Here is a picture of me with my mom when we went swimming with the dolphins in Cabo last year!!

Here is my dad with Ava and my brothers dog Max!

This is from a ballet I did recently. It was a contemporary version of Romeo and Juliet, I played Mercutio.
Here are all the fabulous courtesans from the show I am in now. It is 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum', I play one of the Gemane twins.
I don't know why I wanted to include this one I guess so that some of famliy can see me in a wedding dress, since it might never happen for real ;-)
I still have not thought of a funny way to end my blogs yet so for now

Friday, August 1, 2008

Welcome To My Life

I am starting to feel a little left out that I am one of the few people that does not have a blog site. This is mostly for my family and friends scattered to the four corners of the globe since I don't get to see or talk to them very often.

Anyway I don't know why I decided on 'The Life and Times of an Obeney". I guess it is just because I love my last name. Seriously to any future husbands sorry but my last name isn't going to change ;-).

As you will come to discover over the coming days/weeks/months/years/millenium (if only I live that long), I am a very bizzare person. This blog will be filled with the various excursions that my brain takes on a daily basis so it should make for a good read.

I am an actor/singer/dancer, not necessarily in that order. That might explain some of my weirdness. I am excited that I am currently in doing my first PROFESSIONAL theater performance. I will say it is awesome getting paid to perform. I LOVE IT!!! Although the 5 weeks with performances 5 days a week can get a little stressful.

I my spare time (not that I have much) I usually just sit around doing nothing. I play with my dog. Sometimes I work on the 10 writting projects I have in the works. If I ever finish any of them I'll let you know.

I do have a full time job to pay the bills but you will probably only hear about it when I am complaining about something or someone, I do afterall work with my family ;-)

I guess that is all for now. Next time I will post some pictures from the show and might go into a a little more detail. But until then... (okay I want to put something cute that I will then say at the end of all my blogs but I can't think of it right now so give me some time!!)