Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New CBD Montage

I have so much fun creating these. This is from the H20/08 show. There will hopefully one for the Christmas Show and I will put up my solos as soon as I get the video. Thanks

Monday, December 8, 2008

Boogie Woogie Christmas Carol RECAP

BWCC was this weekend. The show went really well. All of the company pieces were good and my solos went well. I will hopefully post a video of my solos on here as soon as I get a copy of the video.

A huge annoyance came from the kids and the parents of the kids. I have never seen Val get that mad. She was absolutely livid at one point and I don't blame her. Here is what happened.

First several of the kids had absolutely no clue how to act backstage. One group in particular came off stage and started shouting and high-fiving congratulations to one and other. If these kids ever hope to be in a show more than just a recital dance then they better learn quickly that you can not do that. I don't understand why their teacher didn't tell them the could not do that.

Second, the parents of the kids!! I have several beefs with them! I was a little upset at first that several of my friends did not come to see the show. One in particular but I will not name names. Although after finding out everything that was going on in the audience I am not quite as upset. I can not believe some of it. I really hope no one of professional caliber came to the show, I would be completely embarrassed.

1. They were treating it like a recital. Granted there are different rules of etiquette at a dance recital as opposed to a professional production. But this was a PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTION!

2. They were taking flash photographs. Okay if you do this in a musical or play you are violating copyright infringement. And for some of them if a flash goes off the entire production stops! I felt horribly for my friend who was sitting next to one of the jerks taking pictures with a flash constantly. Beyond being annoying to the other audience members it is distracting for the people on stage and especially for dancers! A guy gets distracted during a lift and suddenly the girl is on the floor!

3. I heard this from one of our employees and I am completely disgusted. Some parents were allowing their kids to run up and down one of the rows. I can not believe that. What the F&#* were they thinking. I felt really bad for the guy.

I hope that Val talks to the parents although she probably not. It would not be a fight worth waging. I just feel kind of bad for the people I know who did come.

That was my rant. The company was great though I really love dancing with these people. I can not wait to start our next show. Although it will be interesting because I will be rehearsing/performing Caesar at the same time!!! But that is what happens when you live the live of a crazy artist.

So until next time.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sorry it has been so long

I guess this is blog has the same problem as my journal. I forget about it for a while unless I have something interesting to say.

Not much has happened since the last blog. Boogie Woogie Christmas Carol opens tonight and I am really excited about it. I love my solos and my costume for the Ghost looks really good on. I will hopefully get pictures from the show and post them. And I get to do some partnering which is always fun. Rehearsals got kind of intense since we only had a short amount of time to learn everything.

I will say that during the tech/dress rehearsal last night the entire company was getting a little ticked off. There are several kid dances in the show so they decided to let the kids run through all of their stuff then bring in the company to run the whole show minus the kid dances (they just played the music so we had an idea of timing). There were 2 reasons for doing this: 1 so that the kids were not stuck at the theater until 11o/c at night and 2 so that the parents weren't sitting in the audience while the company was rehearsing.

The problem was that it took forever to run the kid dances. They ran over their time by at least an hour. One of the hip hop numbers was acutally rehearsing their piece on the stage as opposed to just running it!!! Which ment that we were not able to start rehearsing until later and hence we did not get out of the theater until 11:30!!! Which can be okay for a musical or a play but not for a dance show. Needless to say I was not the only one in a sour mood by the time we started.

okay running out the door now I will finish this later.
