Monday, September 8, 2008

Things Are Happening...

...and in some respects a little too fast for me to handle. Here are the updates literally from this weekend.

A. CBD, the dance company, has finally got a hold of me. Here is the interesting thing...they said that because of my germany trip I may not be able to be in the October show, but that one of the choreographers had not set his piece yet so I might be in just that one. Well on Friday she finally sent out the cast list for the show. Well the piece that she told me about was in fact still not cast but, and here is the kicker, I had been cast in both the other dances. THEN I go to our first rehearsal/meeting and we do a little 16 count dance for the other I am in his piece AS WELL. So in the course of a weekend I go from possibly not being in the show at all, to being in every CBD number!!! What's up with that?!?

B. Okay I wrote it but I deleted it again because I am still a little hesitant to put it on the web. The basic plan is that I am helping to start a new Theater company with some friends of mine. We are going try to be on the cutting edge of theater performing original works and more edgy material. I will post more when i can. I don't know it is one of those discretionary things. Don't want to say too much in case it doesn't happen.

Other than that not much else is going on. Not that I really have time for anything else!!! I am sort of wishing I was an insomniac so that I could stay awake and get stuff done! I hope everyone out there is doing well. I love you all.


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